Last week, the College celebrated Enviroweek to bring awareness to the big changes that school communities can make when it comes to protecting our environment. With the guiding theme of ‘Small actions, big change’, we encouraged students and staff to start thinking about how they can make an immediate contribution to helping our planet by adopting more sustainable habits into their lifestyles. This was supported by the launch of the ‘Student Sustainability Resource’ that has been emailed to all students and is also available through SIMON. The resource is a combination of information and sustainability tips that are achievable for students to highlight that everyone has the power to better our environment.

We also aimed to spread some positivity by asking students to share a photo of their favourite spring flower with the Instagram hashtag ‘stcenviroweek’ to garner an appreciation for the natural world and to show how nature can offer feelings of hope, even in these uncertain times. Students on campus were offered the opportunity to watch David Attenborough’s new documentary ‘A Life on Our Planet’ that shared both a concerned yet hopeful message to humanity. We are sure that this initiative has inspired students to actively make a difference and to value the beauty of our planet that is our duty to protect.