St Columba’s College Building Program

St Columba’s College Building Program

The St Columba’s College Building Program has been widely supported by our generous families and more recently by other members of the broader community. This has enabled the College to undertake many important projects throughout the years.

The development of facilities such as the Foxford Innovation Centre and our upcoming Wellbeing Centre are supported with funds donated via the Building and Maintenance Fund.

St Columba’s College has built a strong community and a reputation for its commitment to ongoing improvement and excellence.

Your contribution ensures consistent provision each year for a vibrant and active Building Program; enhancing student learning with modern facilities and innovation.

To Donate to our Building and Maintenance Fund please click the link below :

Foxford Innovation Centre



The College is proud to announce the commencement of construction of the Foxford Innovation Centre.

Our new building will be constructed at the current vacant block at the corner of Buckley and Lorraine Streets.

Inspired by our Bruton building, the Foxford Innovation Centre will feature arches and curves that reflect the heritage design of the mansion and integrate seamlessly with the College’s existing buildings.

The new building will feature specialist spaces designed around agile and dynamic breakout areas that offer IT connectivity, flexible furniture and connection to the outdoors, providing the opportunity to adapt their use to meet the curriculum’s evolving needs. The spaces also allow staff and students from various learning areas to come together, collaborate and learn from one another.

The Foxford Innovation Centre is significant investment in the future of educational opportunities for St Columba’s College students and is an essential part of the College’s vision of providing a modern and dynamic learning environment. The building’s design, facilities, and technology infrastructure reflect best practices in STEAM education, providing a world-class education to our students.

The Foxford Innovation Centre will include:

  • Junior and Senior Food Technology Kitchens
  • Food Technology Flexible Learning
  • Maker Spaces
  • Textiles and Ceramics Studios
  • Digital Design and Photography
  • General Arts Classrooms
  • General Science Labs
  • Chemistry, Biology and Physics Labs
  • Science Prep Room
  • Canteen Kitchen and Food Store
  • Competition Grade Sports Court

The Foxford Innovation Centre brings together the College’s vision, with the design expertise of CHT Architects, the planning experience of Fontic and the building knowledge of Building Engineering.

Why Foxford?

The Foxford Innovation Centre has been named for the Foxford Woollen Mills in Ireland. The Mills were established in 1892 by a Sister of Charity, Mother Agnes Morrogh-Bernard, in the village of Foxford, County Mayo, on the river Moy. Mother Agnes arrived in Foxford to find a community in dire need. Inspired by the village, its people and the river it sat on, Mother Agnes decided to open a mill as a means of improving people’s livelihood, and prospects for the area.

To achieve her vision, Mother Agnes knew that the Foxford community needed to be both brave and inclusive. Breaking with convention, she partnered with John Smith, a Tyrone Protestant, to build the mill, a connection facilitated by the well-known Irish political leader Michael Davitt. A Protestant and Freemason working with a Catholic nun in 19th-century Ireland was a rare thing. The business, and in turn, the village, prospered employing 220 people in the first 90 years. The Foxford Woollen Mills are still open today and have become a place of pilgrimage for many Sisters of Charity and Mary Aikenhead Ministries members.

It is Mother Agnes’s spirit of innovation and tenacity, that inspired the name of our new building. A place where our students will follow in her footsteps, to design, create, collaborate and innovate.

Adapted from The Story of Foxford Woollen Mills at


Projected Timeline
August 2023Site Establishment and Demolition
September 2023Earthworks
December 2023Lower Ground Floor Slab Pour
February 2024Ground Floor Slab Pour
March 2024Level 1 Floor Slab Pour
May 2024Completion of Structure
July 2024Roof Installation
August 2024Façade/Lock Up
November 2024Internal Fitout and Landscaping
March 2025Practical Completion/Handover

*Please note that the projected timeline is subject to change as construction progresses.

Building Updates

Wednesday 19 June


Our staff had a walk through with the site manager on Wednesday 19 June to unveil the internal structure of the building. We have internal walls, a roof and all external walls finished. In a few short months the project will begin to finally look like a finished building. Stay Tuned!


Monday 6 May


Year 10, 11 and 12 Students get a guided tour of the new building.


Tuesday 26 March 

We had the pleasure of completing a site visit on Tuesday the 26th of March which showed the progress since the Level 1 slab pour.  We now have a second level structure fully visible and the initial stages of what will become the Atrium Roof at the centre of the building.

Wednesday 7 February

It has been a very busy holiday break and the Foxford Innovation Centre’s construction has progressed significantly. We now have arches, and the second floor is taking shape. We are staring to see the beautiful building design come life.

Wednesday 8 November

We have walls! We are so excited to see the Foxford Innovation Centre take shape.


Tuesday 24 October

What a difference three months can make. We’ve gone from a a grass filled site to the beginnings of a foundation for the Foxford Innovation Centre.


Thursday 28 September


On Thursday 28 September our building partners, Chris Doufas and Tom Basel from Building Engineering, CHT Architects and Fontic; along with College Board Directors; Peter Kelly, Marie Emmitt and Wendy Pollock from Mary Aikenhead Education Limited; Yvonne Karniej from MACS and Aaron Gupta from CDF; Cr Pierce Tyson, Mayor of Moonee Valley City Council; Principal, Rita Grima and Business Manager, Malcolm Finger; and students Camilla Morison-Mehmedbegovic and Ava Scalpello along with their familes, gathered for the official Turning of the Sod. Ceremonially making the commencement of this long-awaited project.


Friday 28 July


Today Building Engineering began establishing the building site for the Foxford Innovation Centre. The temporary fencing went up and throughout the day the various site office where craned into place onsite. Seeing this activity onsite has brought about a great deal of excitement and anticipation for the new building. It has taken the College a long time and a lot of work to get to this point, and we couldn’t be happier.


Thursday 8 June

CHT Architects, Fontic Project Management and Building Engineering arrive onsite to for the first official construction meeting with College staff!